911 operator sitting at desk

E-Comm challenges British Columbians to take the 9-1-1 Pledge


We all have an important role to play keeping our loved ones safe and protecting valuable 9-1-1 resources. We want them available in an emergency, when we need them most. As part of Emergency Service Dispatchers’ and 9-1-1 Awareness Week, running from April 10-16, E-Comm 9-1-1 is challenging British Columbians to protect each other and our province by taking the 9-1-1 Pledge.

The pledge brings attention to how to use 9-1-1 responsibly and provides British Columbians with the knowledge they need to get help from first responders in an emergency.

Last year, E-Comm received more than two million calls to 9-1-1— more than 5,000 calls per day on average. Call volumes are on the rise, and every second 9-1-1 call takers spend responding to non-urgent or misdialed calls, is time they could dedicate to helping someone in a life-threatening emergency. That’s why knowing when to call 9-1-1, when to call non-emergency and when to call an alternative resource is so important.

By taking the 9-1-1 Pledge and committing to making the right call, knowing your location, and avoiding accidental calls, you help ensure critical emergency resources are available for people who need them most.

Think about who you are pledging to protect—whether your parents, your friends, your teammates, your siblings or your students—we all have an important role to play in keeping our communities safe.

Take the 9-1-1 Pledge today: www.9-1-1pledge.ca. Together, we can keep British Columbia safe.


E-Comm is the first point of contact for 9-1-1 callers in 25 regional districts across British Columbia, handling 99 per cent of 9-1-1 call volume.

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